How to Write PPDT Story in Screening

PPDT stands for Picture Perception and Discussion Test. PPDT story is a part of screening test. The story you write will definitely affect your screening result. So it’s very important to understand how to write PPDT story in proper way. Actually, No story is good or bad. The only thing is, whether it is acceptable or not. Here we will talk about, how to write an acceptable story.

How to Write PPDT Story in Screening

PPDT Story Writing

The hazy picture is shown for 30 seconds and in next one minute, you have to write following details on answer sheet:

1. No. of characters

2. Age

3. Sex

4. Mood &

5. Action

When Writing Above Details, Follow These Simple Steps

Now come to the next part: How to Write PPDT Story?

As it is a test of your imagination, you can take as many characters in the story, as you are observing in the picture. There is no limit on no. of characters in the story. There must be a main character or Hero in your story. Male candidates will assume it as a male character and female candidates will assume it as a female character. This main character must be of your own age.

Rest characters can be of any age group. These characters can be male, female or person. When you are not sure about the gender of character, just simply write “person” in the box. Mood can be +/-/neutral. Try to imagine them in positive mood. Action can be any normal day to day life activity i.e. reading, playing, running, farming, gardening, dancing etc. Write the action in a single sentence mentioning name, age & mood of the characters.

Now we come on the story. It must be simple and practical. Don’t insert some SHAKTIMAAN or SUPERMEN powers in your characters. Most common mistake in PPDT is that candidates try to make a story only on defence or army theme. In each situation, they try to bring army, solider, war etc. You can make such stories, but it is a test of imagination. If you make only such type of stories, it will give a negative impact. It will show that you have lack of imagination power. So until it’s not necessary, don’t make a story on war or something like that.

PPDT Story must be Written in this Order

What led to the situation, what is going on in the situation and what will happen at the end.

We will give you one such example, so that you can understand the basic approach. We are not giving the complete story, because the preconceived stories never work. You have to use your own imagination to complete the story. The actual picture will be very hazy. The example given below is quiet clear, just to make you understand the basic idea.

Right Approach

  • There can be a story on friends enjoying a picnic tour.
  • There can be a story on orchard visit on river side.
  • There can be story on arranging a NCC camp.

How do I start a PPDT?
Observe the picture and think What led to the situation

How do you start narrate a story in PPDT ?
You can start the narration by wishing everyone. e.g. “Good Morning/Good Day Gentlemen!! I have recognized 4 no. of characters, their age is around 10-12 years and the overall mood of the picture is seems positive.”

How can I practice PPDT at home?
Get few hazy picture at home and look at them for 30 seconds and then practice writing the story.

How many words are in a PPDT story?
Its not about length. Its all about meaning of story & Time Limit. You will get 4 minutes to write the complete story. There is no word limit.

What kind of stories to write in PPDT?
You have to write the story based on the picture shown to you. Thats the reason it was shown to you. Now only thing you have to keep in mind is that overall mood of the story must be Positive.

How much time is given to write a story in PPDT ?
You are given 4 minutes to write the story. Before that you will get another 30 seconds to observe the picture. After that picture will be gone and your writing part start.

How do I prepare for a PPDT test?
You take one black/white hazy picture. Look at it for 30 seconds and then put somewhere it’s not visible to you. After this write no. of characters, age, gender and mood on paper within 60 seconds. Now write a story on basis of picture within 4 minutes.

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