Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw

Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw Lecture on Discipline and Leadership Qualities

Hello warriors. We know that result of various exams and entries are declared recently by UPSC & ministry of defence. SSB Interviews of shortlisted candidates are going on and rests are busy in their SSB Interview preparation. During 5 days of SSB interview, various different qualities of candidates are tested through various tests. These are also known as Officer like Qualities (OLQ) .Today will discuss two very important qualities i.e. Discipline & Leadership.

Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw

Sam Manekshaw Lecture

These are explained by a great personality of Indian Defence and we are damn sure nobody else can do that in a better way. We are talking about Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, also known as “Sam Bahadur”. If you don’t know who is this ? Then you are missing a very big chapter of Indian defence history.

Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw

He was the first Indian army officer who achieved the rank of Field Marshal. He was the 8th Chief of Army Staff. He was part of Indian army before and after independence .i.e. British Indian Army and Indian army. He faced following five wars during his four decades long service:

2nd World War
• India-Pakistan war 1947
• India –China War 1961
• India-Pakistan War 1965
• Bangladesh Liberation War 1971

The lecture given below was delivered by him at defence service staff college, wellington. In his speech he explained the meaning of a Leader, leadership, attributes of leadership and problems created by the lack of leadership. Some candidates usually ask –How can they become defence officer or what you need to become an officer ?” So here he goes. He explained whether officers or better say leaders are born or made.

“If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or is a Gurkha.” – Sam Manekshaw 

Another very famous question by defence aspirants – What they test during SSB Interview?. Answer – they are searching a man or women with a common sense and decency. They are searching a man or women who can be modified easily as an officer. As Sam Manekshaw said in his lecture “Give me a man or a woman with a common sense and decency, and I can make a leader out of him or her.” We hope above one line has cleared your this doubt.

After getting screen out or conference out, candidates ask “what was the reason of rejection”. Answer is lack of discipline. We are the most ill-disciplined people in the world. May be that’s the reason various officers rank vacancies in Indian army are still waiting for suitable candidates.

So future warriors give your best performance and become a part of this prestigious institution. You can read Sam Manekshaw’s whole lecture in below section. This will definitely help you in nurturing your officer like qualities. Enjoy reading and don’t forget to share.

Download here Field marshal Sam Manekshaw’s Lecture on Discipline and Leadership Qualities

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